How can I upload documents to Yara Rewards? How should the document look?

Upload documents from your Yara fertiliser purchases to turn them into points.



Please note the requirements to ensure approval of your uploaded document:


  • Yara Rewards is for farmers only. Distributors, merchants and similar entities aren't eligible to earn points and any documents uploaded will be rejected.
  • Valid proof of purchase are delivery notes and your BigBags. Invoices aren't accepted as proof of purchase.
  • The supported file formats for document uploads are PDF, JPG, or PNG.
  • The delivery date must not be more than 6 months in the past.
  • The document number and the distributor must be legible.
  • It must be clearly recognisable that it's a Yara product and in what quantity it was purchased.
  • The document should state whether the goods are BigBags or loose goods.



Proceed as follows to upload a document:


  1. Scan or take a picture of the document of your Yara product purchase.
    • Flatten the document and ensure sufficient lighting for the system to read the text.
  2. Click Upload document under Upload documents on the Rewards homepage.
  3. Click Upload to start the upload process.
  4. Click Select files to select the files you want to upload from your computer, or drag and drop them into the upload box.
    • The supported file formats for the document upload are PDF, JPG, or PNG.
    • Upload one document at a time.
    • A single PDF file can be uploaded for one document or multiple image files for one document.
  5. If you have one, enter a promotional code in the input field below the upload box.
  6. Click Upload to upload the file.
  7. A pop-up opens with the confirmation of the upload.
    • If the upload fails, please check the document requirements again and try uploading the file once more. If the upload still fails, please contact our support team and provide the files you're trying to upload.
  8. Click Close in the confirmation pop-up.
  9. Your documents have been submitted for approval and an email has been sent to you. We'll keep you updated on the status of your document via email.
  10. View all your uploaded documents on the Documents page, including the upload date, file name, document ID, and their current status:
    • Pending: The document is being reviewed. This should take no longer than three working days.
    • Approved: The document was successfully verified and points credited to your Yara Rewards account.
    • Rejected: We couldn't verify the document because it didn't fulfil at least one of the above requirements. Please take another picture of the document and upload it again. If the document still gets rejected, please contact our support team and provide the files you're trying to upload.

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